At Wise Words Editing I strive towards the following:
Dedication to People and Quality
I care about the quality of my work. More importantly, I care about my clients. Because I care, I work harder, push myself to learn more and to do better. I want to make sure that you can always depend on me.
Great Editing Skills
I am always learning and growing. Being an editor isn’t something one learns once and practices forever. It’s something we have to constantly hone and improve. I’m always learning new style rules, new editing skill sets, and new ways to help clients.
Areas of Expertise
Great editing skills are the foundations of every professional editor. But I do my best to bring together an array of personal and professional experience that I can use to assist clients in the best possible ways. I have experience in education, business, ESL, travel, IT, content creation, writing, self publishing, web devlopment, editing and many other areas.
Wise Words Editing is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I also serve the surrounding area, including St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove and more.
Of course, this being the internet age, I also regularly serve clients from across Canada and the world.

Member of Editors Canada