
At all times, I try to keep editing costs as low as possible. I will also advise you immediately should costs change during a project.

Compare these rates with the Editorial Freelancers Association and Reedsy.

TYPE OF EDITINGApproximate per word rate*
Manuscript Critique
(Editorial Assessment)
(performed after copy editing)
Basic Copy Editing
(basic grammar and spelling only)
Developmental Editing
Line / Stylistic Editing
Original writing;
Please inquire
Picture and Art Research$50/hr 
Fact Checking
Research & Reference Checking
Consultation, Meetings

* These are approximate rates. The work necessary to complete different jobs can vary due to multiple factors, such as writing quality.

Types of Editing

Manuscript Critique / Editorial Assessment

  • Fiction: Extensive feedback on plot, pacing, structure, setting, themes, characters and relationships, and other story elements.
  • Nonfiction: Extensive feedback on structure and organization, clarity, consistency, authenticity and the strength of the material presented.

Proofreading – Checking final copy of an already copy-edited manuscript before print or publication.

Copy Editing – Editing for basic grammar, spelling, punctuation. Does not alter other aspects of language or voice.

Line / Stylistic Editing – Clarifying and/or reorganizing language for content and structure. Clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, smoothing language, and other non-mechanical line-by-line editing. May include checking for consistency of details, checking reading level, and improving language and clarity.

Original Writing / Rewriting – Creating a new manuscript or parts of a manuscript, perhaps on the basis of content and research supplied by an author. Extensively revising an existing manuscript. May include research or original material.

Picture and Art Research – Locating suitable photos and/or artwork. May include obtaining camera-ready reproductions; preparing descriptions, working sketches and/or artist’s references or co-ordinates for illustrations, maps and diagrams; supervising production of final artwork; obtaining releases from and/or conducting financial negotiations with picture sources and artists; preparing labels, captions and sources.

Fact-Checking, Research & Reference Checking – Checking the accuracy of facts and/or quotes by reference to original sources used by the author and/or from other sources.

Rush Service – +25%

For projects which need to be completed with a very quick turnaround. Additional cost subject to change based on how fast the turnaround time needs to be. 


Volume discounts are available for multiple projects. Get a quote.